Find real estate listings including single family homes, townhouses, condos, multi-family dwellings, vacant land listed by REALTORS® in the local Multiple Listing Service.
Little Meadows, Pennsylvania
Rooms in owner-occupied houses:
1 room: 0;
2 rms: 00;
3 rms: 03;
4 rms: 09;
5 rms: 021;
6 rms: 031;
7 rms: 013;
8 rms: 07;
9 or more rms: 020;
Rooms in renter-occupied housing units and apartments:
1 room: 0;
2 rms: 00;
3 rms: 00;
4 rms: 07;
5 rms: 03;
6 rms: 02;
7 rms: 06;
8 rms: 00;
9 or more rms: 00;
Rent paid by renters in 2000 in Little Meadows:
Less than $100: 0;
$100 to $149: 0;
$150 to $199: 2;
$200 to $249: 0;
$250 to $299: 4;
$300 to $349: 4;
$350 to $399: 0;
$400 to $449: 3;
$450 to $499: 2;
$500 to $549: 0;
$550 to $599: 0;
$600 to $649: 0;
$650 to $699: 0;
$700 to $749: 0;
$750 to $799: 0;
$800 to $899: 0;
$900 to $999: 0;
$1,000 to $1,249: 0;
$1,250 to $1,499: 0;
$1,500 to $1,999: 0;
$2,000 or more: 0;
No cash rent: 1;
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